Shriji Chemicals Nickel Sulphamate
solution has passed international
quality standards


t Shriji Chemicals; products are manufactured under closely
controlled conditions by trained staff. High QC and QS is
established and followed. Systems and procedures are backed
by technology to ensure close monitoring of the process.
Technical guidance is provided whenever required.

Our Product Range:

Nickel Sulphamate

- NSU Quality - Recommended for general forming industry.
- NSCM Quality - Recommended for electronic and hologram shim   manufacturing industry .
- Black Sulphamate Solution Quality - Recommended for diamond plating.
- NSUR & NSCMR Quality - Recommended for ready to use solutions.
Nickel Carbonate: Used for increasing pH.
Nickel Chloride: Used for dissolution of nickel metal.
Sulphate Reducer: Used to remove sulphate.
Metal Purifier: Used to remove metallic impurities.
Hardner 99: Used for hard deposit.
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